Linn Julian Koletnik: “Moje ime je Linn”

Moje ime je Linn – misli ob izboru osebnega imena [English translation included]


Video Moje ime je Linn, nova vsebina našega YouTube kanala TransTube, predstavlja razmišljanja in doživljanja avtorja_ice tekom procesa razkrivanja novo izbranega osebnega imena. Kljub temu, da gre za osebno torej individualno ime, se transspolne osebe ves čas soočamo s tem, da ima marsikdo v naši okolici mnogo mnenj glede naših osebnih odločitev, kar video ponazori skozi osebno perspektivo.

Avtor: Linn Julian Koletnik

Kamera in montaža: Lea Aymard


Video description: The video My name is Linn, a new entry on our YouTube channel TransTube, depicts thoughts and experiences of the author during their process of coming out with their new chosen name. Regardless of the fact, that this is an individual process, trans persons constantly face that fact that many people that surround us have various opinions about our personal decisions, which the video portrays through a personal perspective.

English subtitles are included in the video.

Author: Linn Julian Koletnik

Camera and editing: Lea Aymard