Razstava 30″ – portreti transspolnih in cisspolno nenormativnih oseb

Razstava 30” – portreti transspolnih in cisspolno nenormativnih oseb predstavlja obeleženje Dneva vidnosti transspolnih oseb (Transgender Day of Visibility), ki ga praznujemo 31. marca vsako leto. Nastala je v organizaciji Zavoda TransAkcija, fotografinje Jasne Klančišar in njene asistentke Maje Ličen.


Povezava do spletne galerije razstave

Proces trideset-sekundnega portretiranja, pri katerem iz teme z močnim osvetljevanjem izstopajo silhuete, obrazi in telesa, ustvarja (nov) prostor za transspolne in cisspolno nenormativne osebe. Dvojna, trojna, ostra ali neostra podoba v mehki svetlobi jasno izpostavi za portretiranko_ca pomembne dele telesa in izbranih predmetov, hkrati pa zahteva zbranost portretiranih oseb, fotografinje in asistentke. Uporabljena tehnika fotografiranja ne potrjuje definicije fotografije kot »ujetega trenutka«, temveč jo redefinira v ustvarjanje, skorajda risanje s svetlobo. Sedemnajst portretov želi transspolne in cisspolno nenormativne osebe narediti vidne in prikazati njihovo moč in lepoto skozi proces, v katerem sodelujejo portretiranke_ci, fotografinja in asistentka, proces, ki temelji na medsebojnem zaupanju in izbiri portretirank_cev, da so vidne kot želijo biti videne_i v svetu, ki to pogosto onemogoča ali pa jih objektivizira.

Za sodelovanje in podporo pri fotografskem projektu se zahvaljujemo Društvu ŠKUC – Kulturni center Q (Klub Tiffany) in Pritličju.

Kontakti fotografinje Jasne Klančišar:

email: jasnaklancisar@gmail.com
spletna stran: http://jasnaklancisar.net/
instagram: jasna_klancisar


The exhibition 30″ – Portraits of Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Persons will marks the Transgender Day of Visibility, which is celebrated each year on March 31. The project has been organized by TransAkcija Institute, photographer Jasna Klančišar, and her assistant, Maja Ličen.

Link to online exhibition gallery

The thirty-second process of portraiture, which sees silhouettes, faces and bodies emerge from the darkness as a result of strong lighting, creates a (new) space for transgender and gender non-conforming persons. The double, triple, sharp or unsharp image in a soft light brings into clear focus the parts of the body and the selected items that are significant to the portrayed person, while demanding at the same time the close attention of the portrayed person, the photographer and the assistant. The photographic technique used breaks with the definition of photography as a »captured moment«, re-defining it instead as an act of creating, even drawing with light. The seventeen portraits seek to make transgender and gender non-conforming persons visible, and to show their strength and beauty through a process which entails the cooperation of the portrayed person, the photographer and the assistant, a process, based on mutual trust and the choice of the portrayed person to be seen as they wish to be seen in a world that often precludes that, or objectivizes them.

The project has been made possible thanks to the cooperation and support of ŠKUC Association – Cultural Centre Q (Tiffany Club) and Pritličje.

Contact of photographer Jasna Klančišar:

email: jasnaklancisar@gmail.com
website: http://jasnaklancisar.net/
instagram: jasna_klancisar