Zin Kvirantena / Queerantine zine

Motiv in dizajn: Nuka Horvat


Zin Kvirantena je nastal med svetovno karanteno zaradi pandemije COVID19 in bil izdan 17. maja 2020 na IDAHOBIT – mednarodni dan boja proti homofobiji, bifobiji, transfobiji in interfobiji, katere geslo je tega leta bilo “Prekinimo molk”.

Ime Kvirantena in tematike v zinu so odgovor na pandemijo COVID19 in na trenutno politično dogajanje, ko je v mnogih državah na porastu avtokracija.

Zin Kvirantena smo ustvarile kvir osebe za kvir osebe. Izza štirih sten smo se oglasile_i vsak_a na svoj način.

Zin Kvirantena lahko preberete tukaj.


Queerantine zine was created during the worldwide quarantine due to the COVID19 pandemic and was published on May 17th 2020 in celebration of IDAHOBIT –  the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Transphobia and Interphobia, which was held under the slogan “Breaking the silence”.

The name Queerantine and the themes in the zine are a direct response to the world COVID19 pandemic and the current political events, as autocracy is on the rise in many countries.

Queerantine zine is a zine by queer people for queer people. We’re reaching out from behind our own four walls, each in our own unique way.

Queerantine zine can be read here.